
Friday, August 10, 2018

My First Khan Academy Training Experience Is A Success!

Today I met with a teacher from a neighboring school district to talk Khan Academy, so I consider this my first official event as an ambassador.  And honestly, I probably gained as much from our "get-together" as she did.  I picked her brain for ideas on teaching public speaking, and grabbed a couple of other little things she does in her class that I think could be very beneficial to my students.

I then sent out emails to principal of two other neighboring school districts to let them know I would be willing and available to meet with other teachers in similar fashion - just sit down in front of a computer and dig into thoughts and questions and conversations about ways Khan Academy may be useful to students in their classrooms.

This wasn't a long event today.  I think with drive time back and forth and our little meeting, I was only gone for a couple of hours.  And to be honest, that's the kind of professional development I tend to like...learn something new, make it quick and applicable to something I may be doing in my classroom, and then let me try it out.

I'm really not sure how many "marketing opportunities" Khan Academy is expecting from me, and I'm honestly not interested in setting up some type of elaborate presentation for a large group of people.  Maybe a better fitting title would be Khan Academy Personal Trainer!  (or maybe small group trainer)

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