
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Great Things About This School Year That May Not Seem Great to Other People

#1 - I'm teaching Public Speaking first semester instead of supervising a study hall.  I'd much rather work with students to help them improve a skill at something instead of provide young adult daycare.  That sounds cruel, but to small a percentage of students actually use study hall to its full potential.

#2 - I have lunch 5A.  Eating 5C is pretty late in the day, so eating "A" and having lunch right around noon is very nice.  I don't usually go to the teacher's lounge to eat, but that's not because I have something against the room or other teachers there.  I just find myself usually having a "working lunch" and trying to get things done while I eat.

#3 - I'm not evaluated this year.  I really don't stress evaluations, but I stress the time it takes to prepare for an evaluation.  We have a list of questions we have to answer before the pre-conference, and then we have to meet with our administrator for the pre-conference.  Also, the observation really should include something "good" for a lesson plan, and there is a fine line between doing something innovative that works and demonstrates good teaching and trying something that flops.  After the observation, then, there or more questions to answer.  Finally, the whole process then features a post-conference.  I don't mind being held accountable; it's just a headache.

#4 - I'm not coaching anything this year.  I'm still doing a lot of officiating, but there is a stress level to coaching - even volunteer coaching - that is a bit of a weight on a day.  I miss coaching, but I don't miss that weight.

#5 - I'm a Khan Academy Ambassador this school year.  As of right now, that means virtually nothing, but perhaps I'll be able to help more and more people as the year progresses.

#6 - No Basic English III section!  I felt so sorry for those kids being tracked together all day long, and they were a handful on their bad days.  It's still early in the year, but so far I like the lack of tracking.

#7 - Great class sizes.  My first period is over 20, but the rest are under 20.  Those numbers are great!

#8 - First impressions seem promising.  I like this group of juniors so far.  It's still early...we are getting to know each other.  Good first impressions, though, are better than bad first impressions, and some years have been like that.

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