
Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Mystery of the Missing Water

So I have a fear.  I have a fear that something is wrong with our pool.  I'm posting it here hoping that I'm very, very wrong.  On the other hand, I'm posting it here in case the "little situation" comes to fruition and nobody believes me that I suspected something.

The neighbors are having problems with standing water in their backyards.  While mowing yesterday, I noticed running water running into our ditch from some type of underground unknown source.  I suspected that there may be some type of water line problem, but no one on the block including us have had water pressure problems.  That's weird, right?

Skip ahead to this morning.  I know that last night I had enough water in that pool of ours to run both skimmers.  The temp was in the 30's last night, yet the water level lowered in the pool to the point where I'm now filling it back up to get to the point where I was last night.  Where did that water go?  How in the heck did that much water evaporate last night without the pump motor even working? 

So here's my fear...we have a leak somewhere in the pool.  And that leak is running down the hill through our yard and surfacing at that point by the ditch.   I've called the village water president to tell him I think there is a water line break, so he'll be able to tell me if there even is a water line there.  Next, we will have to dig to find out where the problem is at...something that will tear up the front yard - great!

If all is "good", it will be a water line problem....and the only thing I will have to deal with is a torn up yard.  If all is "not so good", then I have to keep digging to find the leaking pool problem.  We had a new liner installed not too long ago, so it should be the liner.  What else could be happening to cause that much of a leak from the pool?  The mystery continues.

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