
Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 16th Snow?

Today, I've accomplished very little - unless watching some news, Food Network, a 1965 James Bond movie, and an old 1985 movie that I think I remember watching when I was a teenager.  It could be a day of working out in the yard - perhaps getting the lawn mower ready or spreading some grass seed or fertilizer.  I could be a day of getting the pool ready to open up.  BUT NOT TODAY!

Because today, on April 16th it's snowing!  Ugh. 

Last night, though, I was able to spend some time with Carmen and Cole at my mom's saddle club fundraising event.  Each year, my mom Cathy hosts a triva night at the legion in Milan.  They use the money for various efforts sponsored by her club - the Illinois City Saddle Club.  My mom does a great job with the event, and last night my brother Darren was the emcee and my dad Jim helped with scoring.  Me?  I just played.  Our team wasn't very good, but we didn't finish last.

So because of the lousy weather yesterday, I spent some time with Cole.  Instead of umpiring like we were scheduled to do, the canceled tournament allowed us to go out to Jimmy's Pancakes and have some breakfast.  We then went to Menard's, Farm-n-Fleet, and WalMart to get a few items to help Cole organize his umpiring gear and uniforms.

Today, I was originally scheduled to umpire again, but cold conditions and this snow have allowed me to have a virtual snow day.  I think now, though, I'm going to go downstairs and walk on the treadmill or ride the stationary bike and try to get some exercise.  Then I'm going to make some hamburgers, eat some supper, and probably watch a DVD I bought yesterday - The Greatest Showman.

And I'm not going to stress about it.  I'm not going to stress about losing money, about missing out on some exercise on the diamonds, about not going to church.  I'm just going to let myself have a "break weekend".  It's okay to have those once in awhile....helps relieve some of the stress of the really busy weekends I've had in the past and will surely once again have in the future.

So April 16th Snow?  Okay...I'll just go with it.

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