
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Letting Your Children Learn Through Experience is HARD!

This past Sunday, I umpired a USA softball tournament in our area.  That's not real notable news because it's pretty common for me to work some type of youth softball on weekends.

What was challenging was that my son, Cole, and two other "rookies" would be embarking on their own umpiring journeys.  The three of them (Cole, Dalton, and Jimmy) were assigned to respective diamonds to work with their own partners, while I was assigned to Diamond 5 to work with my partner, Duane.

While we were on our diamond, I found myself thinking to how "my boys" were doing.  Were they hustling to their positions?  Were they making good calls?  Were they asking questions about how to improve their skills?  THAT'S NOT EASY!  :)

We parents eventually somehow have to let our kids experience "the hard knocks".  Life isn't simple, and it can be downright uncomfortable.  In fact, all three of them were pretty nervous as they dressed in their umpire "blues" and took the fields.  I had done my part, though.  I had gotten them to clinics, helped them to start to understand mechanics and rules, and tried to help them set up a system of organization to keep track of their schedules.  So like a little mama duck I got them all prepped and sent them on their way; they all at least looked the part - nice and professional dressed in their official uniforms...nerves on high!

And all of them survived.

All had reports of miscues and uncertainty, but all made it through the day.  And receiving their checks helped smooth some of the awkwardness too!

We have to allow our children opportunities to be uncomfortable and uncertain while helping give them the tools and confidence to be successful.  I was reminded of this once again last Sunday!


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