Last night at RHS, we had our annual Academic Banquet and Awards Ceremony. It was my first time attending this event since I started at this school three years ago. I was asked by our English Department to present our outstanding senior English student awards, and I felt like it was my turn to represent our department after other teachers had fulfilled the duty in the past.
We had a banquet beginning at 6 p.m. to start the evening. The school supplied fried chicken and baked ham, and all the families brought a dish or desert to be included in the meal. After the meal we went to the auditorium, where there was a lengthy list of award and scholarship winners, as well as the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony.
As a 1984 graduate of RHS, the evening was surreal. I had connections to many aspects of the evening. We used to have "potlucks" for awards nights, and some of the scholarships last night were memorials to people I knew. Jim Gieseman and Tate Vroman were coaching when I was at RHS, and I still consider them important influences in my coaching skills. Glen Cook coached my summer baseball team. I was honored to receive the 1984 award as Butch Morford Most Inspirational. I was a member of NHS. In short, I had connections to many of the people and honors that are now Rockridge High School.
And eventually it was my turn to present the English Department awards to Audrey Lewis and Ashley Minyard. That moment was my opportunity.
I'm not ashamed to say I felt great. I was blessed to receive so many gifts and be taught and coached by so many wonderful people in the early 80's. After graduating, the older I got, the more I began to fully understand just how blessed I had been and hoped that someday I could try to give just a little back. And last night was my chance.
I'm forever grateful for being hired at RHS. I enjoy my teaching job; I enjoy the students; and now I realize better that each day I work is my chance to give a little back - and what a continued blessing that is too. I didn't realize then in 1984 as I participated as a student on that auditorium stage that 33 years later I would would participate as a teacher. Time really does fly.
Go Rockets
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