
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

RoomNE10 Is Launched!

So this is it!  My first blog attempt.  I've recently been listening to podcasts and gaining energy from the words and enthusiasm of the folks I've been listening to.  I have no fabulous illusions that this blog will gain national notoriety, but maybe my ramblings and experiences and viewpoints might provide energy and enthusiasm to someone else.  Let's start with's the syllabus for English III and Advanced English III here at Rockridge High School, in Taylor Ridge, Illinois.  Maybe this syllabus will give you some ideas (or energy or enthusiasm).  I'm going to keep these entries short to start and see what happens.  Let me know if you have thoughts or questions or comments that might help me improve the course -

My side note of the day.  The 8th grade girls basketball team I coach has struggled this year.  Coaching and playing sports is hard when wins are hard to achieve.  We all know what we should feel about sports - pride for participation and improvement.  Ya...that sounds good...but winning is nice too.

Have a great day!

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