Defeat is like taxes, rainy Saturday mornings, accidents, death, and a variety of other things in our lives that exist but sting. They happen.
I think the word grace is fascinating. Defined by Merriam-Webster, grace means "the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful." Gracious is defined by Merriam-Webster as "marked by kindness and courtesy." So how does grace or gracious connect with defeat.
ONE MORE DEFINITION - defeat is "to win victory over" - Merriam-Webster.
Last night I stayed up late to watch the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, and in our area the Wisconsin Badgers are pretty popular because a Rockridge alumni, Ethan Happ, plays for the Badgers. Last night, Ethan and the Badgers were defeated. It was a heart-breaking, gut-wrenching defeat as the opponent shot and made a three point shot as the overtime horn sounded. The Florida players and fans went crazy in joy for their team. The Badgers remained briefly on the floor stunned, then proceeded to shake hands and congratulate the staff and players of the Gators.
Turn back a few hours and another defeat occurred. President Trump's attempt to amend the Affordable Care Act faced defeat, and despite his assurance that the bill would receive a vote, he directed the bill to be pulled. For him and many who oppose the Affordable Care Act, it was a heart-breaking, gut-wrenching defeat as the bill was pulled and those in favor of the Act went crazy in joy for their win. The President did not react as graciously as the Badgers.
He gloated over his efforts; he blamed the democrats for the defeat; he painted a picture of future destruction for our country.
It's not easy to be gracious in defeat. In fact, it's very, very hard sometimes when we feel like we should have won, should have had the opportunity to go crazy in joy for a victory. When defeat occurs, we should not gloat over our efforts, blame others, and paint a picture of destruction moving forward.
The next time you face defeat, allow yourself to be stunned, and then try to be as gracious as you possibly can. Your grace towards others in defeat says so much about your character.
Be gracious today!
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