5:49 a.m. - Yesterday was a rough one. After a nice weekend of weather and camping, it was time to put the Eagle into storage for the season. That process is about like the close of the pool process - it's pretty much an all-day affair. We got the camper back home and unloaded all the contents that might fall victim to mice visits; then I took the camper to Shawn's and winterized it before he moved it into his storage shed for safe keeping. I know it sounds weird, but it's tough on my old heart to see the end of camping season. Then my heart got another bruise when the Bears suffered a shocking loss to the Commanders. The Bears were up 15-12 with three seconds left, and the Commanders threw a hail mary play, and it worked. Ugh. I ended up watching a Hallmark movie after the Harrison grandchildren got picked up; at least the Hallmark movie had a happy ending. This week features a light week of officiating; in fact, the only night I officiate is tonight, as I travel to AlWood with Marcus. I haven't done AlWood junior high in awhile. The "big deal" this week is that Halloween will be here! Apparently at Illinois City Elementary, Halloween is a pretty big deal. And after Halloween, let's start prepping for the holiday season!
Things for School
- absent days for staff entered into SDS by the 15th of each month
- complete interviews for aide position
- watch basketball officiating video and take test
- get stupid bus stuff completed; try again for fingerprints
- pay beginning of month bills
- pay Shawn $200
- fix mower
- take pool motor to RIM for cleaning/maintenance
- start making a payment on Chase - Mercer County
- case information is in my checking account info
- Dec. 19 8:30 a.m. Wang physical
- Dec. 23- Carmen Christmas
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