
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Eve Reminds Me of Birthdays Now-A-Days

I think I was probably in bed sleeping by ten o'clock last night on the ceremonious New Year's Eve.  This morning on the first day of 2020, I'm on the computer getting "stuff" ready for the upcoming days - officiating schedule stuff, new seating charts for my classes at school, lesson plan considerations.  I guess with age comes less revelry and more day-to-day operations. 

Actually yesterday Amber and I went down to Jumer's Casino to take advantage of our free buffet coupons.  Of course we gambled; and of course I ended up losing money, and Amber ended up winning money - a trend that seems all too common recently.  Then we visited with my mom and dad a bit and had a glass of wine toast to 2020.  Then it was back home watching the television festivities at places like Times Square, Hollywood, New Orleans, etc...  I remember seeing the start of the 10 p.m. news, and then it was nighty-night time.

And today I'm up at 5 and starting out the day.  I wasn't always this boring.  Oh, our New Year's Eves back in the day weren't all that crazy...usually at someone's house playing cards, having some spirits, and watching the ball drop.  New Year's Day usually featured at least a mild hangover, a solid breakfast, and lounging on the couch watching college football bowl games. 

Today, I plan on exercising, reading my book I got from Carmen for Christmas, and probably heading back to the casino for the drawing that is taking place today.  I don't really need a recliner or new fridge or whatever else they are drawing for that I have virtually no chance of winning, and I don't really want to lose more money.   On the other hand, I don't want to stay home the whole day.

So in a nutshell...not much excitement.  I suppose it's like birthdays anymore.  The "big day" seems more and more like any other day; less interest in celebrating and feeling like hell the next day and more interest in sleep, health, and completion of things off of the ole "to-do" list.  Now, I think I'll go sit with Amber and have a cup of coffee, watch the Food Network and it's line of healthy new year recipes, and then go downstairs and exercise.  Fun, fun, fun!

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