I weighed 213.4 lbs. this morning...a new low since starting intermittent fasting last February. I'm feeling great on the basketball court; I don't have the aches and pains, I'm not as winded trying to keep up with the kids, and I just feel more positive and energetic. I'm now actually concentrating on trying to get faster. My basketball officiating schedule has been brutal to start December, and I'm surviving and very pleased. The daily stretching routine and trying to get some strength training in 2-3 times a week is also contributing.
School improvement frustrates the hell out of me. I've been in this profession most of my life, and I just don't understand what has to be so challenging. It's a big, big project if its run poorly and too much is attempted to be tackled. It's a very simple and rewarding project if it's just kept small and specific. Our high school was labeled an exemplary school, but we are now going through school improvement - apparently in three areas - data decision making, school climate, and curriculum mapping. We had a half day Wednesday, and it was a total waste of time - nothing was accomplished that hadn't been tried before. Yes, data can be used to drive instruction, but the data has to be credible and reliable. Yes, data can lead to discussions, but the data has to be credible and reliable. Yes, teachers can use data to get to know their students better and more efficiently create groupings and generate differentiated remediation support, but THE DAMN DATA HAS TO BE CREDIBLE AND RELIABLE! So step one is to determine the best way to make the data be as credible and reliable as possible and then figure out a way to assess how credible and reliable it might be. And after that is completed, the other parts of the process can be started. Did I mention the data has to be credible and reliable?
Christmas isn't far away, and I'm fairly ready which is nice. I've got a lot of shopping completed, the tree and the lights are up, and I'm enjoying the Christmas music of the season. I might get some shopping in today.
I have my last day of professional development with cultural competency - at least that's what I'm calling it. I've enjoyed it and grown from it. Now, I hope I can just help my students more than I perhaps have done in the past. I'll post a new blog entry when I'm through.
I haven't written much because I honestly try to avoid writing rants (sorry about the school improvement rant above). I'd like these blog to be positive, and I'll keep trying.
Oh...I'd really appreciate the "extra" things in my life to not break - like Amber's car, the stove, the tire on the truck that seems to be leaking. I can get it all done, but I'd really appreciate an opportunity to maybe get ahead of the game of life rather than just trying to struggle to keep up. Maybe that's a Christmas wish!
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