Perhaps I have discussed something similar before, but I find something interesting about the personalities of my English III sections. Keep in mind that I teach six periods a day out of seven. In those six periods, I teach English III five times. And while it's true that two of those sections are officially titled Advanced English III and two of the sections are titled English III, the content of the sections is mostly the same. (My approach is sometimes different, and sometimes options of assignments are different as well as expectations of those assignments.) So for all practical matters, though, English III is English III - junior English - focused on foundations of American literature, preparation for the SAT, and exploration of post-secondary training paths. Here's a rundown of the personalities, though, of each section.
1st period - quiet, sometimes to the point where I wonder if they are teenagers - this group includes no band members because band is first period
2nd period - quiet, but occasional flares of life and energy...appear to be waking up
3rd period - brightest eyes, participate fully, ready to go - easiest group to work with all day
4th period - talkative and energetic but eagerly awaiting lunch period - this group includes several "vocational" kids, because they go to our Area Career Center for technical training courses
5th period - none - my prep period, and in the HISTORY of teaching at Rockridge this is the best period to have as prep because lunch is served in three time periods during 5th period. No matter how the rest of the day may be shortened or lengthened, 5th period is always in tact, so I NEVER lose my prep period. Sometimes I think paying the school district just to have 5th period prep would be well worth it.
6th period - (only six students, and it's public speaking)
7th period - most talkative group of the day because it's the last period of the day, and usually a lot of band and chorus kids
And this is how it goes each day! And pretty much from year-to-year....that's how it goes. The personality of the sections is dictated by time of day, time of lunch, band first period, and ACC in the afternoon. And for the record...there is no "favorite"...they are all great kids (for the most part); they just require different levels of energy and approach from me!
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