
Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Excitement of Postseason

I was pretty happy last night when I was assigned a 1A Boys Regional by the IHSA.  Since returning to full time officiating this season, my "numbers" have been very good for girls basketball but not as strong for boys.  I honestly was hoping just to get a play-in game, but I discovered last night that I'll work three games.

One reason to enjoy postseason games is the additional work.  Especially since I lost a lot of games this winter because of the weather, getting extra games from the IHSA is helpful.  Softball doesn't start until mid-March, so without the IHSA games, the only work right now is weekend youth events. 

Another reason the postseason is interesting is the opportunity to work with different officials.  I really appreciate my regular crew.  We get along, have some laughs, and work together to improve our performance.  Working with other quality officials, though, is fun too.

The final reason for me is just to be in the moment.  I love basketball.  The opportunity to help the players and coaches and scoretable staff have a great game is awesome.  Tournament play has an edge to it; it's win or end the season.  Of course the edge means a bit more hollering and yelling at the blind officials, but that's okay.  It's part of the excitement.

I likely won't get any additional IHSA basketball assignments, but last year I only had two play-in games.  Going from two last year to now seven games this year is an improvement.  Maybe next year I can work a girls championship, which would be an additional step up.

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