
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Attending Church

I was sitting in church service today after having a three-week absence, and I realized a couple of things I thought I would share.

Before I begin, though, it's important to understand it's okay to miss church service.  Missing service isn't necessarily a good thing, but the end of the world doesn't occur with an absence or two or perhaps even a bit of a "run" of absences.  (It's nice, though, to "make-up" the contributions to the offering plate upon your return.  After all, financing the many church programs is very dependent upon the weekly offering.)

So having missed the other November services, I stopped by the ATM on my way to service this morning before the big "Snowmageddon" event and picked up some cash to help out the offering plate.  And after the ATM stop, I made my way to Casey's to get some gas and pick up some batteries for Amber before arriving.  There it was...Reynolds United Methodist Church...just has I remembered it. 

My faith journey is a bit complicated, and it's a longer story than I care to share here.  Instead, I'm just keeping my realizations the topic.

#1 - I attend church because I believe my attendance is a contribution to a community that I care about.  When I attend church I make myself available to help out with service however I can, and I contribute the offering which helps the church's activities of reaching out to the community. 

#2 - I attend because church is a positive role model for my life.  The messages I receive in the hymns and songs, the children's message, the sharing of concerns and joys, the Bible scripture, sermon...they are messages that I need in my life.

So am I "religious"...I'm not sure.  I don't think so.  To be brutally honest, I'm not quite sure of the whole "God" thing.  I am sure in the story of Jesus Christ, and I am sure that his life is a good role model for me to consider if I want a happy, healthy life and want to help people around me enjoy happy, healthy lives.  For now...that's okay.

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