
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Quiet Moments Are Welcome

As I sit at the desktop crafting these awesome words of wisdom, the only sounds to be heard are Lily's occasional meaningless barks and a car going by the house - likely a student heading out from a morning practice.  Life doesn't often offer the opportunity of quiet.  People and activities and events are wonderful, but there is something to be said about good old peace and quiet.

I enjoy my morning wake-up.  Although it's not completely quiet because I like to check out the morning news, I'm usually with only Sophie (the other dog) and a cup of coffee.  I think morning wake-up time is worth getting up earlier just to have a little slower start to the day.

I also enjoy my nighttime calm down.  And for me, calming down is finding a game on television, preferably college basketball.  This is my time to just watch the game and listen to the commentators.  This is an escape, unless ESPN is broadcasting a game on the West Coast, and Bill Walton is doing the color.  He is a buffoon.  Maybe it's because he reminds me of Donald Trump.  I think Bill and Donald both likely are smart individuals, and they probably have good expert information that would not only be informative but entertaining.  Unfortunately, they both just say the dumbest things and seem more interested in hearing themselves talk instead of truly and simply offering their thoughts.

So today some quiet time is available.  I think I'll now pamper myself a bit and go downstairs for a little walk on the treadmill and finish up watching Scrooge.  Then I think I'll start a new book and have some lunch.  Later, I just might start assembling that PSAT question slideshow I've been thinking about.  Or maybe a NAP would be fun!  I'm going to enjoy my quiet time today and do it guilt free.  I know that hectic business is just around the corner, so embracing a little quiet time now is perfectly okay.

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