It's a balmy 1 degree outside and there is lots of snow. As I sit here with an egg nog drink (perhaps spiced with a bit of Captain), my heart is happy and my brain is light. I have my health - even recently had an interesting colonoscopy experience along with a wellness check up. The doc said I could stand to lower my weight and my bad cholesterol, and the colon doc said I have to go back in three years because the two polyps that were found need weren't cancerous but should be monitored. My knees hurt, but the meloxocam and occasional tylenol so far have kept me from giving up officiating and umpiring, even though my basketball playing days and running ultra distance races are likely behind me. I'm getting happens...but I've gotten a lot out of this 51 year old body, and there is still a lot of gumption and pride left to push it even further.
I seem to listen and watch for life messages as I get older - movies, songs, experiences, books - so maybe that's another "age thing". If given the opportunity to reflect my official "status", I truly am very fortunate. My life has been far from error free, far from heartache and loss free, far from perfect. I have regrets, maybe even more regrets than other folks.
What I do have left in the years of my life, as far as I can tell, is an opportunity to help others. Husband, father, step-father, (soon-to-be step grandfather), son, son-in-low, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin, friend, teacher, coach (for a few more months), official, umpire, neighbor, colleague, parishioner..those roles are filled with opportunities to help others. I have a lot to offer before my time is up, whenever that is. And if it's tomorrow, I pass on believing I have helped more than I have hurt.
My resolutions are simple. Drink more water. That's doable, and will help my health on a lot of levels. My other resolution is a bit more complicated to explain...continue to strive to find happiness and joy in the roles of my life (those above and any others that I've failed to list). Work hard to somehow try to find the "glass half full".
Now I'm off in a bit to Kourtney and Pat's New Year's Eve party. Bring on 2018!
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