I woke up early this morning...it may have been the dream that I won the Powerball, or maybe it was just overthinking everything that I need to try to accomplish in the first couple of weeks of the school year.
Today and tomorrow, though, are "institute days" - days without students designed to allow teachers and administrators and staff a couple of days to get their engines going. Having had an awesome summer, and having attended a Google training session at school on Monday, I sort of feel like I have already started the "start-up" process, but today and tomorrow will be busy as well.
Every year is unique, but this one seems to be uniquely unique. Amber and I will be empty nesters, as my youngest step-daughter is headed off to her first year of college. This will make the house a bit quieter in the mornings, and will also make the entire house entirely accessible in the mornings. The result will be my ability to go downstairs and get a workout in while also turning on the television and watching my morning news shows.
The next unique quality of the school year will be the absence of the trials and tribulations of being a yearbook adviser. I resigned that duty at the end of the school year in May, and it was a difficult decision. I love yearbook and school newspaper, but I wasn't able to generate a renewed student interest, and I tired of the battle. I'm at an age now where I don't mind challenges and battles, but I also am quicker to recognize when a battle is too much. So without the publications course this year, I'm interested to see how that impacts my days.
Finally, I'm also not a salaried coach. My previous three years, I had coached at least one basketball team. This year I wanted to make sure I could be available to watch my son in his senior year of his sports and activities at his school, which neighbors the school district I work at. I am actually volunteering some of my time at his school with his football and basketball teams. I also helped with football last year, but helping with basketball will be new. I know the head coaches very well, and I'm looking forward to contributing to their programs and also learning from them. There is awkwardness in coaching at a neighboring school district, but I fully expect that after this year I will make myself available to coach again at Rockridge where needed and where I can be a comfortable fit and good contribution.
So let's see how this goes!
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