
Monday, July 3, 2017

Summer Is Here!

It's Monday, July 3rd, and summer vacation has finely arrived!  I know a lot of teachers get to start summer vacation in late May or early June, but this cat hasn't had a summer vacation start that early in a long, long time.

June recently has been a time to finish up the yearbook.  Unfortunately, that project didn't go well, but the publication did meet it's deadline.  Also in June, I try to watch my son Cole play summer basketball.  Finally, in June, I do A LOT of umpiring and officiating.  In fact, in the month of June, I had only two days completely off from working softball or basketball games.  This isn't a call for sympathy, I accepted all of that work, and I knew it was going to be a long month.  But we rural folk understand that you have to "make hay when it's ready", and I needed the extra money to have a little in July and early August.

On top of that, Amber and I have been working on improvements to the house.  We worked hard to get ready for a couple of local contractors to replace a retaining wall and poor a concrete slab in the corner of our pool area with a sidewalk that leads to the basement.  I still need to move some dirt and get some grass growing, but the improvements not only look nice but also free up a little stress about the potential falling of the previous retaining wall.

Finally, the pool itself has been a bit of a pickle.  I had to replace seals with the pool filter motor, and that still needs to be checked over because there is still a leak somewhere.  Also, my father-in-law Jack helped me changed the filter sand and run a new power line to the power box with the filter.

So yesterday, we had our first official "pool day" of this summer!  We had over some family and friends, had a few beverages, grilled some burgers, hot dogs, and brats, and just relaxed a bit.

So I get a few days off for the July 4th holiday, but then it's off to a basketball camp with Cole and a couple of his buddies up in Waverly, Iowa.  Then after returning another few days off and Amber and I are going to fly off to Las Vegas with a couple of my officiating friends and their spouses.  Then a few days off, and Amber and I are going road tripping to see Lee Drummond, the Pioneer Woman, in eastern Oklahoma.

Summer is here!